Many people have asked themselves these questions all over the
planet during the last 20-40 years. Many have been trying to do
something about it. They have been building intentional communities
and ecovillages.Or networks of traditional villages with sustainability
programs in the South . Some of the answers are in this book.
We have collected the best of knowledge from all over the world
on how to create a sustainable, integral society everywhere, described
by the people who have actually done it. It is a colorful, happy,
optimistic book with 400 color photos from all over the world.
The book is organized around the 15 dimensions of sustainability:
5 ecological, 5 social and 5 spiritual/ cultural. When you see
them all together you get an idea of how a peaceful, sustainable
Earth might look. In this way the book is equally useful for new
ecovillage projects as for inspiration for local neighborhoods
and Agenda 21 projects all over the world.
Included are 16 full page color collages from individual ecovillages,
including: Findhorn (UK), Damanhur, Torri Superiore (Italy) Lebensgarten,
Sieben Linden (Germany), Tamera (Portugal) , Sarvodaya (Sri Lanka)
Auroville (India), Tlholego (South Africa), Eco Yoff/ Colufifa
(Senegal), ), Manitou , The Farm, and Ithaca (USA), Huehuecoyotl
(Mexico), Crystal Waters (Australia); Svanholm , Munksøgård
, Hertha, The Folkecenter fro Renewable Energy in Thy, Dyssekilde,
Sættedammen Cohousing and Snabegaard from Denmark. These
will give you a taste of the variety and beauty of the different
American Sociologist Paul Ray has researched the change in value
systems over the last 30 years in his book: "The Cultural
Creatives" from 2000. A whole new group with new values now
makes up 25-30% of the population in the US (in Europe and Australia
it is probably an even larger percentage). He calls them the Cultural
Creatives. They have green, soft values. Half of the group also
has spiritual values. Of the latter group, 70% are women. When
you read Ecovillage Living, you will see the values of the Cultural
Creatives manifested in many examples from across the world.